叭一聲遭4煞砸車 BMW怒撞豐田ALTIS - Toyota

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2016-11-03T13:08

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Raging dad ploughs his BMW into vehicle behind after driver rear-ended his car
with his child in backseat

The dad told his wife and child to get out before chasing after the driver and
slamming his 7 series BMW into the Toyota

An angry dad whose car was rear-ended by an young man got his revenge by rever
sing his BMW into the car more than half a dozen times.

The violent scenes played out on the streets of west Taiwan, where the white T
oyota Corolla was found to be illegally parked in the middle of the street.
Toyota舚orolla was found to be illegally parked in the middle of the street.

The BMW driver, 40-year-old Mr Guo who was with his wife and five-year-old chi
ld, sounded the car horn to try make the Toyota move, but its irate driver, Mr
Peng crashed into him and fled the scene.

The furious Mr Guo made his wife and child get out of the car and gave chase i
n his old臶MW 7 Series?, quickly catching up with Mr Peng and slamming his c\
ar into the Toyota.

Mobile phone footage taken at the scene shows Mr Guo reversing his car and cra
shing into the Toyota a number of times, causing serious damage to the front e
nd of the white car.

Eye-witnesses said Mr Peng and a few of his friends later exited the Toyota wi
th bats and sticks and whacked the BMW, but Mr Guo locked his doors and window
s and remained inside the vehicle, which he continued to drive into the alread
y driver-less Toyota.

After local residents called police, Mr Peng and his friends ran into a nearby
bakery to hide and were later arrested by police.

Mr Guo was also detained as part of the investigation, and both parties were f
ound to have broken the law.

Charged with illegally occupying the road and double parking, Mr Peng was fine
d 3,600 Taiwanese dollars (about £93).

Mr Guo, who claimed he was exercising self-defence after Mr Peng hit his car a
nd frightened his wife and child, was fined a total of 25,800 TWD (about £665).



All Comments

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2016-11-04T09:44
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2016-11-07T08:10
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2016-11-10T22:53
William avatar
By William
at 2016-11-15T05:18


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2016-11-03T10:40
小弟蘆竹這邊 樓下路旁常停一、兩輛黑色BMW 隔熱紙都貼很黑 每天早上看都好好的沒被砸耶 ※ 引述《Leeday (李爹)》之銘言: :: : → valentcoxon: 下南崁應該安全點,那邊應該到處都監視器 09/25 15:48 : : 推 Bboykeyes: 原來這 ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2016-11-03T10:05
今天兩台根本不是同層次的車 結果擺在同一個擂臺一起比武 結果身材巨大魁梧的大七贏了 本來就是在正常不過的事情 結果版上一面倒瘋狂吹捧到底是怎麼回事 大7在Bmw裡面是豪華大型房車 神A在豐田裡面是只贏神v的小型房車 根本不同量級 感覺就是大人欺負小孩 怎不角色對調一下 重點是代理商還發文消遣 ...

叭一聲遭4煞砸車 BMW怒撞豐田ALTIS

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2016-11-03T00:09
推 sonic37: 第三責任險+超額要保的好處,敢撞也敢賠,不怕死的通通來 11/02 14:41 推 kevin28: 樓上這樣保險會賠?如果會那我也要來保超額了 11/02 14:46 推 SUZUKI5566: 這裡有真的法律人可以來解釋一下嗎? 這案例看了... 11/02 14:55 推 NT30 ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2016-11-02T23:49
今天2016/11/2到了桃園的TOYOTA廠報VIOS價 跟業務表明是全車現金付款~ VIOS經典版 特仕車原價61.9萬,特價55萬 VIOS經典版 影音版原價69.4萬,特價58萬 感覺業務已經給了蠻優惠的價格~車子是2016.9出廠的車子~ 大家覺得這個價錢可以購入了嗎??? ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2016-11-02T23:22
※ 引述《keroromoa (發言要小心 避免踩到陳雷)》之銘言: : http://news.u-car.com.tw/32480.html : 進口豪華轎車 進口豪華休旅 : Mercedes-Benz C-Class 554 Lexus RX ...